Role of Health Journalism in Promoting Communication among Stakeholders in Healthcare Sector

Ghose Bishwajit

Published Date: 2016-05-13
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The concept of stakeholder participation has attracted considerable attention in recent years among health researchers especially in its perceived role in advancing knowledge economy which is fast becoming a key driving force in global healthcare sector and development. Knowledge dissemination among healthcare stakeholders has been greatly facilitated thanks to the remarkable progress of information and communication technology. However, there remains huge scope for improvement in terms of increasing South-South and North-South cooperation in healthcare communication. In order for healthcare service industry in emerging economies stay competitive in today’s complex and volatile economic environment, understanding the interest of different stakeholders, and how their influence shape various domains of social development is crucial. The magnitude of the task is overwhelming and success will depend on integrative approach by local and international actors in strategic decision making and translating to concrete policy framework which will provide the key for long term success for healthcare institutions. The present study draws on key messages regarding the necessity of cross-professional communication in health sector development by synthesizing insights from the existing literature. The authors underscore the role of health journalism as a potential instrument for strengthening health policy advocacy, developing international standards in communication and more effective knowledge management.

open access journals, open access scientific research publisher, open access publisher
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